Thursday, November 21, 2013

~Just a Sittin' and a Thinkin'~



 Cracks me up the way pets like to hang out in the big people bed.  Daisy is definitely a pillow pug, while Sass takes to the right end corner.  Never fails!  Poor Bentley just sits  where he finds a place, Sassy can't stand him, so it's not too close to her.  :0)

~Yippee  We Got Our Loca the Pug Calendar!~

Notice the frustrated look on my face!  No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't get Bentley to look at the camera.  The look definitely says, "Just take the darn picture, Jeff!" 

If you haven't a clue who Loca is, go to YouTube and check out the Loca the Pug videos.  She is a special needs pug who lives in Ireland.  I follow her on FB