Monday, February 20, 2012

Camp Fire Girls :0)

We just got back from Page Springs on Oak Creek near Sedona.  Lovely area, so close to the creek, we could hear its relaxing sounds in the RV.  A little chilly at night, but nothing a roaring camp fire can't warm up!  Buffy, our little "Buggy Puggy", is really getting into the swing of RVing.  Sassy and Daisy are old pros.  We were lucky to get a site with electric and I took my travel sewing machine.  Worked on a pug quilt for APARN's Pugstock silent auction during a cloudy day; felt like home!  Next trip is March when we're off to the Good Sam Club Rally in Phoenix, AZ.  :0)


  1. Hi again Pam...did attempt to post a comment, but I believe it went off to cyber space. Hope you receive this one. Eydie

  2. Sure did! Yikes, this is harder than FB! :0)
