Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bentley Is Now At The Rainbow Bridge
Sweet kitty boy, Bentley, lost his fight with kidney failure on July 5, 2015.  We believe he was about 17-18 years old and was Daisy Doo's best buddy.  They adored each other.  Although Bentley knew many a pug in his 15 1/2 years with me, Daisy was his favorite.  He will forever be in my heart.  Enjoy romping at the bridge like a kitten, I will see you soon dear Bentley.  Daisy sends her love, too.



  1. Hi Pam, it looks like you also gave up on your blog.
    Are you still on the road. Jeff & Laurie

    1. Just saw this today, so sorry. Old ladies know little about blogs. 🥴

  2. I know, I've been lax. I thought this was a good idea, but no one followed me. Yes, still RVing, big trip to maritime provinces coming up. Still have our pug posse! Thanks for motivating me! :0)
